Meet the Creatures of Dragon Age Origins - Awakening
Meet the blood curdling Creatures of Dragon Age Origins - Awakenings, and embark on the most addictive RPG adventure experience for years to come.
Ogre - These gargantuan creatures of sheer strength is one of the most feared of all darkspawn. Appearing only when blight is looming just one massive ogre can destroy an entire squad of enemy soldiers.
Arcane Horror - When a mage's corpse is taken over by a pride demon the result is an abomination known as the Arcane Horror. This Dragon Age creature possesses the insanity of the undead able to wield the powerful magic of the mage.
Hurlock - The only darkspawns, known to be capable of human speech, have considerable constitution and strength and can conjur magic. A single berserker hurlock are a fearsome match for several opponents at once.
Devoring Corpse - A devouring corpse is a dead body possessed by a demon. The demon is driven man in the lifeless corpse and will feed on any living thing it finds, drainning the opponents life force.
High Dragon - The winged beast once worshiped by the Tevinter Imperium are High Dragons. Once thought extinct, the Dragon Age is named for the High Dragons, who's rampage begins unexpectedly when a new clutch of eggs are laid.
Abomination - The unholy union of a demon and a mage is an Abomination. The creature amplifies the mage's innate magical abilities, turning even a novice into a devastating force of destruction.
Desire Demon - Desire demons take pleasure in corruption through the lust of power, wealth, beauty, or whatever an opponent desires. Beyond raw magical power this Awakening creature has incredible speed and strength.
Brood Mother - No one knows exactly what the brood mother is for certain. But, come face to face with the creature deep within the earth, and it will haunt your days for the rest of your life.
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Labels: dragon creatures, dragons